How to create a project in Skipp
The best way to learn is by doing, so let's create a test project in just 20 minutes.
Log into the Skipp portal and follow along with the video or written instructions below:
Create a new project
- Log in to the Skipp portal
- Click the Create a New Project button
- Enter information for a test project

Make sure to include "test" in the title of your project!
Enter project details
You'll be taken to the project task list. The first task listed will be Enter Project Details:
- Click the Enter Details button
- Click on each section of the renovation questionnaire and fill it out
- Once all parts were completed, click the Submit button

Select a design palette and materials
The second task is Select a Design Palette:
- Click the Select Palette button

- First, select a vendor and product line
- You'll then be prompted to select a design palette
- Click on a palette to select it

Customize your design selections
Once you select a palette, you'll be taken to the project workspace. Here you'll be able to select materials for your design.
Next to each material - cabinetry, appliances, etc. - you'll see recommended options and a Select from Library button.
- Choose one of the recommended options OR click the Select from Library button
- You'll be prompted to select materials from the library
- After making changes to the design selections, always click Save at the top of the screen to lock in your changes

Update your estimate details
Scroll up the page to the price summary to create an estimate for this project.
The prices you see here are based on the materials you selected above AND theproject layout. Make edits to the layout to update your estimate:
- Click on one of the layout options to select it
- Decide whether to include an island by toggling on/off
- Select whether the cabinets are short or tall (the exact heights vary based on are based on the "short" vs "tall" options for that
- Input the approximate linear footage of cabinetry(including the length of the island if applicable)
- Toggle flooring on/off and adjust square footage (optional)

Finalize the estimate
There are several changes you can make before sharing this estimate with a customer.
First, click the Edit button:

Click on the carrot next to the category name to expand it and show sub-items:

Click the toggle next to an item to remove it from your quote:

Click the eye icon next to an item to hide it from your quote (it'll still be included in the total):

Click into a number and type in a number to override a line item:

Click on the calculator icon to calculate cabinetry margins:

Make sure to save any changes!
Provide measurements
The third and final task in the project workspace is Provide Measurements. You can either choose to upload plans or take a scan of the space with the Skipp 3D app.

For now, just click Upload Files and practice uploading any file.
If you'd like to practice using the Skipp 3D app, click here.
Congratulations, you created a test project!
For a real project, you would now confirm the project for processing. Since this is a test project, please don't submit.
If this were a real project, you'd receive a proposal from Skipp within a few days of submitting the project. You would then revise the design, create a price quote, share a proposal with the homeowner, and eventually generate a P.O.
If this was a real project, the next steps would be:
Learn more about what to expect in a Skipp proposal.