Edit price estimates and quotes


You can customize pricing for your project before sharing with the homeowner. You can make a variety of changes - remove line items, hide line items, edit line item totals, and add cabinetry multipliers and discounts. See details below.

Getting started

You'll find the ability to edit pricing at the top of the project workspace, in the Price Summary section.

First, click the EDIT button.

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Click on the carrot image next to the category name to expand it and show sub-items.

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Make sure to click the Save button after you make a change, otherwise the change will not be applied!

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Show range vs single number total

You can choose to show a price range or a single number. Click on the toggle next to Price Range to make this change. Save your changes.

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Remove line items

You can remove a line item entirely from your proposal by clicking on the toggle next to the item. This will remove the item from the price total. Save your changes.

Example: if you don't want to include Appliances in your quote, you would click the toggle next to Appliances to turn it off. You can see the total price has changed.

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Currently, cabinetry is the only line item that can not be removed or hidden.

Hide line items

You can hide a line item from your proposal by clicking on the eye icon next to the item. This will NOT remove the item from the price total. Save your changes.

Example: if you want to include Surfaces in your quote but you do NOT want to show this as a separate line item, you would click the eye icon next to Surfaces to turn it off. You can see the total price has NOT changed.

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Edit line item totals

You can also manually change the amounts shown for each line item. Click on the number you want to edit and a text box will appear below this number. Type in the price you'd like to use. Don't forget to save your changes.

Example: if you want to add $1,000 to your labor costs, you would click the total next to Labor and type a new total labor cost with that additional $1,000. You can see the total price has changed.

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Calculate cabinetry sales price and gross margin

Enter your multiplier to calculate your cost and apply markups and discounts to calculate your sales price, all based on the MSRP provided by Skipp. Your gross margin percentage will appear based on these inputs.

Click on the calculator icon next to Cabinetry.

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Enter your multiplier, markup, and/or discount. Click Save to apply changes.

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What's next?

Once the price quote is ready, you can share with the homeowner.